Brittany Tallman
During the past seven years of receiving instruction from Jeff Coston at the Jeff Coston Golf Academy, I am convinced that there is no one in this region better qualified for advancing golfers both young and old of all skill levels. His genuine ambition for improving students to be all they can be on and off the course is what separates him as a coach rather than a mere instructor. Being a high caliber player himself, Jeff is able to assess players’ games further than their swing mechanics, which is what I believe to be his most unique and vital asset. Calling on his insights and concepts from playing lessons have led me to winning two High School State Championships, top finishes at the national level, and currently competing collegiately at the University of Washington. But beyond the ability to teach golf, I have personally gotten to know Jeff as one of the most sincere, fun loving and caring people in my life. For these reasons I will continue to see Jeff as my coach and watch my game progress to its full potential.
Brittany Tallman April 8, 2017