Two Outside Resources
The two outside resources I choose are Jeff Coston and Mike Bender. Jeff Coston supplies daily instructional video tips with his voice on Twitter under @coston_jeff and Mike Bender supplies daily Instagram with instructional video tips: @mikebender. I know most young pros are on social media and I wish I had a daily doses of short instructional video knowledge from experts right from the start of my career. While books and magazine articles certainly still play a huge roll, it is the convenience of viewing a couple of tips per day that adds up to a lot of tried and true knowledge. Both Jeff and Mike teach together at certain points of the year. They are both award winning instructors on a major scale. I particularly like them as they can give a master lesson with teaching aids and video, which they can share with their students.
With a traffic cone, they demonstrate how to take the club back with width and parallel to the feet. With a wall, they demonstrate depth, which sets up an inside attack. With a line on the ground perpendicular to the target line, they demonstrate how a squat slide leading the downswing can result in the bottom of the swing arc at the correct point in front of the ball. They clearly show where the grip end should point at the target line when part way back when the shaft goes through the right bicep.
The videos sometime show another way or drill of completing the same task. They have a range from top players to people just starting to play with all ages and abilities. I have found this to be part of my morning ritual. Even as an older and established teacher, you have to be hungry and search out information. I have had lots of success, not only teaching my members, but have had several players play at all levels in college and my high school teams have gone on to win Regional and State Championships. I stick by their methods as I have seen golfers progress with their system for years.
Pete Kelbel PGA Professional June 15, 2020