5 Questions with Andy Jang
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5 Questions with Andy Jang

Jeff Coston interviews Andy Jang.

Q1) You have won your last two tournaments, tell us why and how. Why are you having so much more success?

Andy: I was feeling confident about my game going into the tournament and I felt like I had chance if I just played my game. I hit 14 greens for two days and I putted very well.

Q2) What is Jeff Coston wanting from you as a golfer?

Andy: He wants me to be more free during tournaments. Sometimes I get too intense and make it too important to myself. He wants me to just enjoy the game and be more free on the course.

Q3) Give us several things you and Coston do during a lesson.

Andy: We work on the 20-20, getting my butt of my club to the right, picking targets and zones, curving the ball and hitting low flighted shots.

Q4) How have your  liabilities as a golfer now have become your strengths?

Andy:  I am not worried about my score too much anymore and I feel like my course management on how I attack the course has improved significantly.

Q5) You have to cross the border to see Jeff. What does Coston do to make him the teacher for you?

Andy: The reason why I go to Jeff is because it’s really fun to be around him. He makes me happy to be there and his wise words and tips that helps me be a better golfer.5 Ques